Dizziness and vertigo are two types of balance disturbances originating in the head. Two of these headaches because the cause is not the same, then the handling is different. Headache sufferers feel marked floating body, staggering or swaying as if drunk, often accompanied feel throbbing in the head. This is a picture of something called ìpusingî or ìpeningî. Conversely, if the body was spinning or rotating the object around and helped lay, is called ìvertigoî.
There are some people who feel the world spinning when you open your eyes, but some are now turning a blind eye to feel. Symptoms and signs caused highly variable. Underlying the vertigo is interference with the balance, one due to interruption of blood flow is not smooth.
Patients with symptoms of vertigo, usually accompanied vomiting, occurred repeatedly, recover and come back, with no obvious cause is found. Stress, often referred to as one of the causes of vertigo, and even then not a major cause. If the vertigo comes, usually extremely disturbing activities of a person, because it appeared very suddenly and the cycle is also not fixed.
Oral health, teeth and gums turned out to be one cause of vertigo. From observation, most patients in middle age (45 years), although many are also found in young adulthood, both women and men. Viewed from dental health, vertigo is often found in patients where existing teeth removed. Especially the upper molar tooth extraction, either the first or second molars. After removal usually let the former holes remain toothless, indirectly made false teeth. This could result in the emergence of the instability of the position of the remaining teeth in the upper jaw, teeth become tilted position, or felt lengthwise (extruded).
Loss of teeth in upper jaw, in the back (posterior) molars that there are still others, or because of loose teeth alternately, as a result of the back teeth of its own. This can result in tooth rocking motion when exposed to food, as well as used chewing. Eventually there will be pockets of the gums, inflammation ensued. This condition will be exacerbated if the lack of clean, because it is difficult in the brush, resulting in the condition of the teeth and gums in the area unstable. Conditions that will facilitate the occurrence of this bad at vestibular iskhemia (lack of circulating blood) resulting from peripheral vestibular lesions.
Therapies Many people with vertigo often do not realize that one reason is the situation in the mouth. Referral to the dentist is usually the last time, after various drugs do not cure.
Many patients who do not complete molar teeth, especially the last molar tooth, was standing alone, a position not on the actual place, began to elongate and slightly rocking. This situation can lead to impaired balance also freezes sometimes accompanied by dizziness neck.
Using false teeth, but rarely used with a variety of reasons, it could also undermine the position of remaining teeth, and not in a position ìtenangî. If the patient like fatty and sweet foods, will also exacerbate and accelerate the extent of inflammation, because this condition as a fast medium for infection. This can be corrected-launch the lack of blood circulation.
Holes (caries) in the upper molar teeth that are not detected, resulting in focal infection that spreads arise also on the balance nerve. A typical sign of an interruption occurs when the balance is often unsteady, dizzy for no reason. This is an early symptom of vertigo, which should be followed up immediately to look for the cause and conducted the necessary therapy. Ketidaklancaran blood circulation in the brain is one cause. This is usually caused by the condition of blood viscosity, due to unhealthy and incompatibility of food consumed.
If people complained about the gums and teeth in upper jaw pain, check it carefully and contact your dentist immediately. Immediately perform the checks, whether there is a hole teeth, nerve treatments, and most importantly, restore ishemic vestibular through ìterapi gusiî. Remove all dead tissue around the upper molars, until completely clean. Normally blood will come out thick black enormous, depending on the severity of inflammation. (11)
drg W. Grace Susanto, MM, dentists practice in Semarang
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Posted by apiace of art at 18:26